Thursday 1 December 2011

How to Clean Mud From Suede Shoes

Suede is a type of leather that is used to make a lot of shoes, purses and other things. It has a very soft and gentle surface, which must be cleaned very carefully so that you do not harm it. Mud is a very common stain on every kind of shoes, but do not worry, removing it is not as hard as it seems. Here is what to do if you get mud on your suede shoes:

  • Allow the mud to dry before you start cleaning it, because it is much easier to scrub off dry mud, because if it is still wet, you will make a bigger mess.
  • Scrape off as much of the mud as you can. Cleaners Crofton Park suggest you use a spoon or a dull butter knife. Hold the shoe in one hand and run the knife, with the other hand, over the mud. Keep the knife at about 45 degree angle. Be careful not to damage the material.
  • Use a stiff toothbrush to remove the remaining mud off the shoe. Wipe the brush on a towel if its bristles become muddy.
  • Dampen a corner of a rug with cool water. Cleaners Crofton Park say you should add just enough water to make the rug damp, but not dripping. Wipe away any residual mud on the shoe. Work the rug into circular motions and blot with the dry end of the rug the moisture on the suede. Allow the shoe to air dry.
  • When the shoes are completely dry, use a suede brush. Run the brush gently through the material, to lift the fibres and soften them. You van find such brushes in almost every shoe store.  

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