Thursday 14 July 2011

Basic Homemade Cleaners Rules

Green cleaning is a great way to maintain your home clean without damaging the environment, but it's important to keep in mind that natural doesn't necessarily mean safe. So when making your own cleaning solutions, you need to be careful when mixing different cleaning products. To ensure that you and your family stay safe and healthy, follow these simple rules.

  • Never mix commercial household cleaners or solvents together, because there may be a reaction between them which can cause creating a toxic gas. For example, bleach combined with cleaners containing ammonia produces carcinogenic mix that can be fatal if breathed in.
  • When making your own cleaning solution, make sure that you don't reuse commercial cleaning containers, because they can still contain any toxic substances that can react with your homemade cleaner.
  • Cleaning London professionals recommend that you never mix homemade cleaning solutions and commercial products, because they can give off any toxic fumes which can cause breath problems.
  • When making your own cleaning solutions, ensure that you label the containers and write down all ingredients. As time passes, we tend to forget a lot of things and undoubtedly one of them may be the ingredients of our homemade cleaners. This can be very dangerous, so pay special attention to this rule.
  • Children and pets are curious about each single item in your home, so make sure that your household cleaning products are kept out of their reach.
  • Last but not least, don't forget to put a pair of rubber gloves on before take down to cleaning your home. Cleaning London warns that even bicarbonate of soda can dry out your hands.
Go green, clean green, but don't forget these simple precautions.

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