Thursday 11 August 2011

Cleaning Tile Grout

Do you have the feeling that you can't deal with the dirt and mould accumulated on the tile grout in your bathroom, no matter how hard you try? I've used a number of commercial cleaning products, but almost with no success. Then I discovered the effective solution of oxygen bleach which isn't well-know, I still wonder why. Although the word “bleach” may be scaring, oxygen bleach is absolutely safe for you and the environment. 

Step 1: Oxygen bleach solution is usually sold as powder, so take a bowl and mix in it several tablespoons of the powder with water. Make sure that you read the instruction on the package and follow them. Stir till the powder dissolves.

Step 2: Pour the cleaning solution over the tiles in your bathroom and allow the oxygen bleach sit for at least 5 minutes. The chemical reaction will enable the oxygen bleach to lift the dirt from the grout and make cleaning much easier.

Step 3: For deep cleaning the tile grout use a grout brush to scrub all stains. In case, you don't have a grout brush you can also use an old toothbrush, but it isn't as effective as a grout one is.

Step 4: While the floor is still wet, get a cloth or rag and wipe away the dirt before to resettle in the grout again. 

Step 5: Allow the floor to dry, then you'll be able to see the final result, your bathroom tiles will be as if you've used house cleaning services.

In case, you think that your tiles may become even cleaner, you can repeat the cleaning procedure again. 

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