Wednesday 4 January 2012

How to Remove Nail Polish Stains From Upholstery

Most women know how tough it is to clean nail polish stains. These are one of the hardest stains to remove. Accidents do happen and nail polish gets spilled everywhere. Fortunately, there are some solutions to that problem. So if you have spilled some nail polish on your upholstery, do not worry, here is what you need to do:

First try to blot as much of the stain as you can. Cleaners East Ham remind you, to be careful not to spread the stain further onto the upholstery.

Then apply some acetone over the stain using an eye dropper. Remember to first test the acetone on a small inconspicuous area of the upholstery so that you prevent any discolouring or harming the fibres. You need to use an eye dropper because you should use as little acetone as possible. So make sure you do not just pour some over the stain. This will definitely make a bigger mess.

You should have a paper towel or a clean white cloth prepared in your hand, so that as soon as the acetone touches the stain, you blot it. That way the cloth or the paper towels will absorb the nail polish. Repeat this process until no more nail polish is being transferred to the towels.

After that do the same procedure, but instead of using acetone, use a dry cleaning solvent. Again continue until the stain is removed or no more can be absorbed by the paper towels.

If the stain is still there, cleaners East Ham suggest you apply some hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Use an eye dropper again.

Dampen a clean cloth with some cold water and blot the stain, so that you rinse off the hydrogen peroxide. Make sure you get the upholstery only as wet as necessary.

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