Wednesday 19 October 2011

Carpet Cleaning on the Go

Carpet cleaning is one of the tasks we barely have the time to do. In fact, we underestimate the grime that hides in there. Here is how to do carpet cleaning on the go and clean carpets by hand.

Dirt forms daily and piles up quickly. You don't have to be super intelligent to notice that hygiene is of the essence. It is your own home, the place where you find safety and shelter, but imagine it infested with bacteria and other germs. Carpets house bacteria and fungi, so be smart and don't let them turn your home into a hostile environment. Learn to clean your carpet on the go and how to enhance carpet cleaning results. 

Vacuum is the key to eliminating 30% of the germs thriving in the carpet. It lifts up dirt and dust effectively. You can vacuum daily, for about 10 minutes a day, all dust and dirt brought in is eliminated on time. Don't give it a chance, act quickly and you can enjoy stepping on a clean carpet. 

Carpet cleaning London informs of the fact that carpet dirt contains some allergens that may cause breathing problems. In case you are an asthma sufferer, consider using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. Make sure that you wear a protective mask if you choose to do cleaning with a regular machine. Thus, you can eliminate the chance of inhaling these allergens.

Finally, when you lack the time to vacuum the floor and all carpeting, ask your room-mates to give you a hand. Share the domestic responsibilities and have a dust free home. Some rooms are with more traffic than others, as the living room and the kitchen, in other words, the common premises. Keeping these areas clean and dust free guarantees the cleanliness of the rest of the home.

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